Our History

Our History

The Masonic Charitable Fund [MCF] was approved by Singapore Ministry of Education as an Educational Charity on 29-11-19.
The MCF initiative was announced by the District Grand Master who is the MCF’s Patron and Founder’s Representative at the Annual Communication Banquet in Dec 2019 in Ipoh, Malaysia.
This fund is aimed at providing educational assistance to deserving Singapore beneficiaries comprising Singaporeans and permanent residents.
The objectives of the MCF were formally announced to the Singapore Masonic community through an internal appeal brochure in March 2020.


The District Grand Lodge of the Eastern Archipelago [Founder of MCF] comprising Freemasons operating in South East Asia within the ambit of the United Grand Lodge of England are kindly seeding the MCF with S$1,000,000 disbursed over 5 yearly instalments of S$200,000.

The various masonic lodges in Singapore have also been approached to commit yearly funds to the MCF for its educational charity disbursements.
Masonic Fundraising events involving Freemasons are being planned such as Charity Dinners, sale of Charity Jewels and other masonic items. 

Message from Patron

“After the successful launch of the Joseph William Yee Eu Foundation in Malaysia by the District Grand Lodge of the Eastern Archipelago (DGLEA), it was resolved that DGLEA should establish a Masonic Charitable Fund in Singapore to assist worthy students with their educational needs.

How glad am I that this has now come to fruition with the formal launch of the Masonic Charity Fund on 8th June 2019 by the Singapore Minister of Law, Mr Shanmugam together with our Assistant Grand Master Sir David Hugh Wutton.

Since the very start , the Fund has been blessed with generous donations from DGLEA and well -wishers and with the energetic team of Trustees headed by their current President, Dr Brian Shegar, the Fund is well poised to grow from strength to strength. Active disbursement of Bursary awards have already commenced. In its formative years, the Fund was lead by non other than Rtd. Justice Rubin Mohideen who gave it the much desired boost off the starting block.

It is important for us to always remember that we should find some way to give back to the communities from which we draw our strength. To this end, I am heartened by the work entered into by this Fund and look forward to its tremendous contribution through the years to come. I have no doubt that the Fund will play a positive role in the lives of the students in Singapore in providing a gentle and uplifting breeze in support of their aspirations.”

Dato Jeyaraj Ratnaswamy

get involved

Donations can be done directly or via the lodges through cheque or bank transfer