About us

The Masonic Charitable Fund

The Fund is set up as a Singapore Trust and is registered as a charity with the Commissioner of Charities, Singapore.
The Patron of the Fund is The District Grand Master of the Eastern Archipelago.
Even after Singapore government subsidies, there are parents that struggle to pay for fees and other expenses of educating their children, particularly in respect of higher education. The result is that a number of children drop out of the education system early and never achieve their maximum potential. Some will obtain lower grade jobs others may end up unemployed and in some cases as problem members of society.
The Fund will work with educational establishments to identify those students that are needy and are unable to find funds from other sources.
We will also work with registered charities, particularly those that help disadvantaged children and young people to overcome the barriers they face to achieving the best possible start in life.
Finally, we will consider individual applications via Masonic referrals of educational financial assistance for needy students.

help is our main goal!

Even after Singapore government subsidies, there are parents that struggle to pay for fees and other expenses of educating their children, particularly in respect of higher education. The result is that a number of children drop out of the education system early and never achieve their maximum potential. Some will obtain lower grade jobs others may end up unemployed and in some cases as problem members of society.


Partnerships and Fund Disbursements

Our Partners

Being an educational charity, the MCF will establish partnerships with selected educational institutions. These will be the beneficiaries of fund disbursements from donations raised by the MCF for financially disadvantaged students.

The MCF has already developed partnerships with various educational institutions. Among the universities, we have established endowments with the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT), Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS), Singapore University of Design and Technology (SUTD), and the National University of Singapore (NUS). 

Among polytechnics, we have established bursary awards with Singapore Polytechnic (SP), Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP), Temasek Polytechnic (TP), and Republic Polytechnic (RP). 

We also have set up bursary awards with the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA), Girl Guides of Singapore (GGS) and the Singapore Scout Association (SSA). 

With the Institute of Technical Education (ITE), we have established an endowment and several bursary awards. 

The MCF successfully launched a Grass Root Reading Program with Nee Soon GRC whereby, 500 financially disadvantaged primary school students received specially curated book hampers. A workshop on the “Joy of Reading” was conducted for the students, and a workshop was under taken for the volunteer teachers to continue the reading habit.

MCF is currently exploring partnerships with other educational institutions to ascertain funding of bursaries directly and/or through endowment funds.

What is Freemasonry?

Freemasonry is one of the oldest social and charitable organisations in the world. Its roots lie in the traditions of the medieval stonemasons who built our cathedrals and castles.

Charity is a cornerstone of Freemasonry. This is undertaken by individual masons and respective lodges. The Masonic Charitable Fund collectively undertakes educational charity activities on an aggregated and collaborative basis with lodges and individual masons.


Frequently Ask Questions

The Masonic Charitable Fund (MCF) was established to profile the Freemason fraternity for educational charity in a coordinated and impactful manner. Freemasons have a duty to provide charitable relief and comfort whenever possible. The MCF provides a well-structured platform officially approved by the authorities in the form of a Trust under the Commissioner of Charities and the Ministry of Education.

As major contributions come from Freemasons, donations can be channeled through the respective lodges or done individually by Masons. The public can also make donations through the MCF. Donation forms are available in this website.

Needy and deserving children, regardless of race, creed or religion are eligible either through our partnering educational institutions, Volunteer Welfare Organisations or through direct applications. A parent and or the child must be a Singapore citizen or Permanent Resident and the study must be in a Singapore educational establishment.

Providing bursaries, scholarships and purchase of books and other assistance, which may be required to help a disadvantage child achieve the education that he or she deserves.

By donating through this website or through your respective lodge.

get involved

Donations can be done directly or via the lodges through cheque or bank transfer