On 21 September 2021, Masonic Charitable Fund – The Lodge of St. George endowment was signed. The endowment was co-founded by the Lodge of St. George. S$6,200 worth of bursaries will be awarded annually in perpetuity.

“Uncle I will survive today but thank you for helping me survive tomorrow”- *Durga d/o N: Both parents just passed away.
Masonic Charitable Fund: “Freemasons have got your back Durga”
The donations made by Freemasons during the COVID lockdown has supported 125 ITE students to continue with their studies instead of quitting. These were the ITE vetted candidates:
Dinah Nazirah: Mother works in a hotel and has a paycut. Dinah has to work part time to supplement the household bills.
Seri Massarah: Mother works as a cashier and Father has cancer. Has to work Fulton’s and can not afford luxuries like education.
Koh Pin Yi: Father works as a coordinator and Mother just lost her job with the second lockdown. Koh has to work to supplement the families income.
Every month we support up to 10 students.